Gary Acosta is an entrepreneur, public policy advocate, investor, and thought leader passionate about advancing prosperity for Latinos and other underserved communities.
In June of 2019, Len Wolfson, HUD’s then Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs, wrote a letter to Congressman Pete Aguilar of California that stated individuals with DACA status remained ineligible for FHA loans. This sent shock waves through the mortgage lending industry because many lenders had been originating FHA loans for DACA recipients…
After the George Floyd murder, and the hundreds of protests that followed, conversations about systemic racism and police reform dominated the airwaves for weeks. One general consensus was that government and major corporations had a responsibility to address the growing issue of racial economic inequality in America. This led to a groundswell of Fortune 100…
Tom Flores was elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame this past week. He is the first Hispanic quarterback in pro football and the first Hispanic head coach of an NFL franchise. His election to the Hall of Fame was celebrated by Latino organizations such as LULAC and the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.…
I’ve been around real estate since I was in high school and my mother first worked at the Montebello MLS. Over the years, I have seen several cycles in this industry. I’ve seen my Realtor® friends go from living in mansions to sleeping in their cars and vice versa. Today, we are experiencing one of…
I recently stumbled on this 70s photo of Puerto Rican legend, Chi-Chi Rodríguez and his caddie, John Lynch at the Masters Golf Tournament held in Augusta, Georgia. Rodríguez, who turned 85 last October, was one of my favorite athletes growing up. It’s a great photo, but the back story is even more interesting. At the…
2020 will be known as the year coronavirus shut down the world as we knew it. It will also be known as the year when terms like systemic racism and economic disparity rose to the top of the national dialogue like never before. In his first week of presidency, President Joe Biden signed three executive…
Former Countrywide and PennyMac executive Stanford L. Kurland passed away last week from COVID-19. The Wall Street Journal wrote about Kurland’s career focusing on his conflicts with Countrywide Financial founder, Angelo Mozilo. While Mozilo was a scrappy and flashy entrepreneur from the Bronx, Kurland was a polished former accountant from Los Angeles. Kurland famously left…
COVID-19 got into our household during the holidays. We had a small gathering on Christmas of only immediate family, and within a few days we all had the virus. We still don’t know how we got infected. While most of us were lucky enough to have only mild symptoms, it was still very scary. Six…
We purchased a Peloton just a few weeks before we all went into quarantine last March. I must admit I was skeptical. I walk and shoot hoops when I can, but I have never regularly used any sort of exercise machine. The technology is what first piqued my interest in a Peloton. The more I…
The Urban Institute released a report last week with some interesting news for household and homeownership growth. The report showed homeownership rates are likely to fall in the next two decades, with the exception of the Hispanic homeownership rate which will rise to above 50% and plateau for most of the next decade. Every other…