Gary Acosta is an entrepreneur, public policy advocate, investor, and thought leader passionate about advancing prosperity for Latinos and other underserved communities.

Warriors and Lebron James

Is Lebron James the greatest basketball player of all time? Are the Warriors the best team ever? Who knows? The Warriors clinched their third NBA championship in the last four years and that puts them in a very small class of great teams. Lebron on the other hand, seemed to elevate his already brilliant game…

An Immigrant Hero from Mali

Some of you may have heard about Mamoudou Gassama, an undocumented immigrant from Africa who saved a little boy that was dangling from the balcony of an apartment building outside of Paris. For those who haven’t seen the video, Gassama, with Spiderman-like speed and strength, fearlessly scaled four stories up the side of the building…

AAU Sports — Enjoy the process

Less than 3% of high school basketball players go on to play at a four-year college — less than 1% play division one. The numbers are slightly better for other sports. With odds like that it is shocking to some people that the business of youth sports is now a 12 billion dollar industry. Critics…

Margin Call

Anybody interested in seeing a great movie on the mortgage meltdown should watch the 2011 film, Margin Call, written and directed by J.C. Chandor. The film is a fictional characterization of a boutique Wall Street firm that figures out that the trading algorithms most of Wall Street was depending on to gauge the risk of…

Hispanics Support NFL ruling on Anthem

Most of you probably heard that the NFL ruled this week that beginning next season players who don’t stand for the national anthem could be penalized and fined. I’ve already written about how I feel about the subject; I think the players should be allowed to protest peacefully. However, while it’s no surprise that Whites…

Grown Men with Backpacks

A few years ago, my family rented an apartment in New York City for a month during the summer. My kids were very active in theater at the time and were looking for workshops in the city to hone their skills. My daughter, Marisa was specifically looking for something comedy related. We found a company…

Childish Gambino and the Rise of Donald Glover

I must admit that I didn’t know anything about Donald Glover or his musical persona, Childish Gambino, until he hosted Saturday Night Live last week. The talented writer, comic, actor, singer and New York University alumnus is on the cusp of superstardom. This past week he released the most provocative song and music video of…

Wealth in Miami

This past week, I was in Miami with my NAHREP familia discussing the recent Hispanic Wealth Project (HWP) Annual Report. The report discusses trends in Hispanic household wealth in America. The financial clout of the Hispanic community is growing, but the metric we hear most frequently is Hispanic buying power not wealth. The fact is, Hispanic…