The Hearings of the Select Committee Investigating the Events of January 6th

For most people, there is little upside to writing about the January 6th hearings, but as you probably know by now, I don’t worry about those things. We all must stand for something. The hearings have almost everyone taking sides before a single witness is called. Democrats believe that the events of January 6th were a calculated effort to undermine our democracy by demolishing two of the most sacred tenants of our nation, free elections, and the peaceful transition of power.

Conservatives and Liberals – What’s the Fuss?

Most people consider themselves either a conservative or a liberal. I think if we forget political parties, which flip their positions on things all of the time, and instead focus on the actual definition of what it means to be a conservative and what it means to be a liberal, we might be able to temper the emotional reactions some of us have with political discourse.

Extremism is the Enemy

If you’re the type of person who thinks the people who oppose your political viewpoints are evil and secretly hate America, this blog is probably not for you. But if you are someone who is distressed by the divisions in our country, remember: regardless of where you stand politically, the enemy isn’t conservatism or liberalism…

Where Does the Country Go from Here?

I watched the movie The Green Book last night. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it. It is a true story set in 1962 about a Black-American classical pianist and his Italian-American bodyguard traveling in the South while on tour. For some reason the movie really hit me hard. It is the kind of story…

Joe Biden is our next President … Will it Matter?

Joe Biden will soon take over the reins of the United States government which is currently under more stress and turmoil than any time before. Solving the nation’s immediate problems will require every ounce of our intellectual capital and a strategic apportionment of our financial resources. While most Americans have confidence that Biden will be…

Che Guevara and babies in cages

Somebody once told me that you get power by giving power and you get respect by giving respect. On election night, I posted a statement on Facebook that said Latino voters delivered Florida for Trump, and Arizona for Biden (I may have been premature on the latter). The post received 143 comments and included a…