Gary Acosta’s Weekly Blog

Featuring Gary’s take on the economy, politics, sports and Latino culture

Gary Acosta is an entrepreneur, public policy advocate, investor, and thought leader passionate about advancing prosperity for Latinos and other underserved communities. As an industry leader, he protects and improves the business environment required to close the wealth gap, particularly via homeownership. Amongst other endeavors, he is Co-Founder & CEO of NAHREP, the country’s leading Hispanic business organization, and Co-Founder of L’ATTITUDE, the preeminent platform for Latino economic empowerment. Acosta is also a general partner of L’ATTITUDE Ventures, the nation’s largest venture capital fund exclusively focused on Latino-led start-ups. Join Gary as he dives into today’s issues through many creative formats.

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A Foundation, a Passion Project and a Moonshot

We all have our own idea of what makes a successful career. For some, it is owning a profitable business, for others it might be the stability and prestige of a high-paying profession. However, for most people, success is some combination of earning a high income while preserving the freedom to enjoy it. Unlike some people, I enjoy the process. I like the early stages of a new venture, even more than after it becomes an actual business. I am not however an adrenaline junkie. I am not willing to risk everything to pursue my next idea. I am my best when my business is doing well enough that I have the time and the means to pursue a passion project and a moonshot.

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Who Benefits Most from Attending NAHREP at L’ATTITUDE?

The incomparable NAHREP at L’ATTITUDE (NAL) event in Miami. This year, the crowd will be bigger and the speakers will be even more impressive! If you are not familiar with some of the names, let me provide some additional color: Eddy Cue is a Cuban-American and the second-ranking executive at Apple, Orlando Bravo is the wealthiest Latino in America with a net worth of more than 8 billion dollars, and Priscila Almodovar is the only Latina CEO of a Fortune 100 company. Beyond this incredible list of headliners, the hallways at NAL will include…

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Latinos and Philanthropy – The Harsh Truth

I think most Latinos would agree that at our core, we are a generous people. If a member of our family is in need, Latinos as a rule, won’t hesitate to help financially. Family is central to Hispanic culture: our generosity has few limits. Maybe that explains why when it comes to making political donations and writing checks in support of actual philanthropic activities, Latinos come up short….When I interviewed Barack Obama last year at NAHREP at L’ATTITUDE, I pressed him about politicians not prioritizing issues that are important to Latino voters, he politely pushed back by saying…

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L’ATTITUDE Sports Takes Off

In July, L’ATTITUDE hosted its first event during the NBA Summer League, honoring Latino leaders in the NBA….L’ATTITUDE intends to amplify its focus on sports because of its enormous influence on our culture and the youth in America. Beyond recognizing leaders, L’ATTITUDE will produce studies and data that illustrate the role of Latinos in terms of audience and revenue growth for professional sports.

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False Choices

We live in a society where people acquire strong opinions with only soundbites of information. Critics of affirmative action characterize it as a policy that allowed colleges to admit students of color who were undeserving and unqualified. However, the data showed that everyone who is admitted to Harvard meets the academic criteria.

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What are the things that Unite Latinos?

We hear frequently how Latinos are not a monolithic community. In other words, we are not all the same. We come from different countries, have a variety of political views, and even eat different foods. I get all of that, but I also think focusing constantly on our differences versus our similarities undermines our political and economic power as a community…

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