Gary Acosta is an entrepreneur, public policy advocate, investor, and thought leader passionate about advancing prosperity for Latinos and other underserved communities.

Spanish is the New Mainstream in Music

According to a new study by YouGov Research, half of Americans listen to music in a language other than English and the predominate language is Spanish. Millennials in particular, say they think there should be more Spanish speaking pop stars. To me this means that while a growing percentage of Latinos in the U.S. are…

L’ATTITUDE 2019 wraps up

L’ATTITUDE 2019 finished with a bang. This year’s event once again featured some of the top leaders in business, politics, entertainment and journalism. The session with Marc Benioff and Oscar Munoz was a highlight for me. The two business titans spoke about some of the more consequential issues facing our country and finished their session…


Just a short note this week to remind everyone that the L’ATTITUDE 2019 and the NAHREP at L’ATTITUDE conventions take place this week in San Diego. L’ATTITUDE is redefining the narrative for the U.S. Latino cohort. The Dow Jones Company, the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, MSNBC and Telemundo are covering the event as media partners. #LattitudeIsEverything Below is a list…

Liberal Arts Degrees

In today’s evolving economy, many of the jobs that exist today won’t exist in the near future. Robotics and artificial intelligence are changing the world as we know it. If your job can be automated, it will be automated. For someone, fifty years of age or older, this may not affect you as much, but…

Can activism and capitalism share a bed?

The NFL Season opens today with a new controversy. Like a lot of us, I’ve been observing the blowback from the surprising partnership between the NFL and Jay-Z’s Roc Nation Company. Under any other circumstances the partnership would be applauded by just about everyone, but given the NFL’s collateral damage from the Colin Kaepernick situation…

Socialism is a loser for Dems

Americans like a lot of things including hamburgers, beer, television, and money. They also like the idea of living in a country where no matter how tough you might have it today, you could win the lottery or invent something and be rich tomorrow. Americans relish their freedoms, whether they are good for them or…