Anthony Scaramucci was relieved of his duties only ten days after assuming the role of White House Communications Director. He was literally walked out of the building. This was a shocking development in a week of internal turmoil for the Trump Administration. It seems likely that Scaramucci’s dismissal was a condition of General John F. Kelly who is taking on the role of WH Chief of Staff. Kelly became Chief of Staff when the President unceremoniously dismissed his predecessor, Reince Priebus. “Mooch” was a caricature straight out of central casting with the style and vocabulary of a henchman on the Sopranos – the antithesis of what we would expect from the person in charge of managing communications for the President, and the country for that matter. Kelly, as the President’s Chief of Staff, now holds one of the most powerful positions in the federal government. All of the WH staff typically report to the Chief of Staff who, among other things, controls access to the President. Unfortunately, the former Secretary of Homeland Security could be yet another anti-immigrant voice in the President’s inner circle. However, many on both sides of the aisle who know Kelly as a man of uncompromising principles, believe this could also be a critical turning point for an administration that has struggled with focus and discipline. Much to the dismay of talk show hosts and comedy writers, Mooch simply did not fit inside General Kelly’s orderly world. For some strange reason, I think I am going to miss him.
Never in U.S. history have we had two older or less popular candidates running for president of the United States than we do today. We repeatedly hear the question, “How can these two candidates be the best our country has to offer?”.
if you are primarily fearful of living in a society that is racist and discriminatory, you should be very concerned with what is happening with the political far left. If your primary fear is moving our society towards socialism and communism, then you should be mostly fearful of the political far right. That statement may seem counterintuitive, but it is absolutely true.
People on the political right believe that people on the extreme left are the biggest problems in our nation. People on the political left think that people on the extreme right pose the biggest threat. This is one occasion when both sides are correct.