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There are two types of people in the world: those who add stress and those who subtract stress. Simon Sinek says that every person in your team should be judged by productivity and loyalty. Everyone wants people who are highly productive and loyal to the organization’s success. But Sinek also says that if you must choose between loyalty and productivity, always go with loyalty.
It’s not difficult to get rid of people who add stress and are low producers, but it’s hard to get rid of top producers. Three years ago, Gary Vaynerchuck spoke to the NAHREP audience about how common it is for leaders to compromise company culture for productivity and why that is so detrimental in the long run. Vaynerchuck says most people don’t realize that top producers who bring negativity undermine the productivity of everyone else on the team and slowly destroy a company from within.
Dumping productive people is tough, but the best leaders do it with impunity. When you purge your company of productive but harmful elements, three things happen. First, your team will respect you even more. When the team respects the leader, they will be willing to go the extra mile for that leader. Secondly, employee retention will improve. People will stay with a company where they respect the leader and feel appreciated. Third, overall productivity will go up. This may not be evident immediately, but company productivity will soar over time.
The concept has many applications, some unrelated to business. If you are the type of person who won’t tolerate disrespect, you will command respect from the people in your circle.
Dr. Maya Angelou says, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Productivity can be learned. Skills can be learned, but character can’t be learned, and it rarely changes.
Ask yourself if there are people in your organization who are dragging everyone else down, and do what you know needs to be done. You’re never wrong to do the right thing.