My favorite magazine is Vanity Fair, and their annual New Establishment issue is my favorite of the year. For decades, Vanity Fair magazine has retained some of the best writers and photographers to report on some of the most interesting and provocative stories in politics, fashion, entertainment, literature, and celebrity culture. In 1994, when the personal computer was changing the way we do everything and turning nerds into billionaires, VF’s legendary publisher Graydon Carter recognized a new order of power players emerging in Silicon Valley and Hollywood. From that year forward, Vanity Fair has published an annual list of the top disrupters in their aptly named New Establishment issue. It was in that magazine I first learned the names of Bill Gates, Ron Meyer, Jeff Bezos, JJ Abrams, Elon Musk, Marissa Mayer, Larry Page, and Mark Zuckerberg. I love reading about people who are changing our culture by the sheer force of their vision and passion. As a matter of tradition, I only purchase Vanity Fair magazine in airports primarily because a long, lonely flight is the best setting for uninterrupted reading. If you’re interested, grab this month’s issue with Kate McKinnon on the cover and read about the 2017 New Establishment List.