Of all the speakers we have in the lineup for L’ATTITUDE 2019, I am most interested in seeing Marc Benioff. Benioff is the Chairman and Co-CEO of Salesforce and has a net worth of over $6 Billion. In addition to his success in business, Benioff is known for his philanthropy and the audacious way he challenges politicians and other business leaders to do more for society and the people who have the least. L’ATTITUDE is scheduled for September 26-29 in San Diego and will attract leaders from business, politics, and the entertainment industry. You won’t want to miss it.
“Boomerang” was a different kind of film. It was a movie about friendship, loyalty, and romance set in NYC at a medium-sized Black-led company that sold beauty products. Boomerang had an all-black cast and a plot that had nothing to do with being Black. While that was unheard of at the time, Murphy was such a big star that it didn’t seem like a big deal.
About a year ago, I was convinced by some of my closest friends that I should do a podcast. Today it seems like everyone has a podcast, and frankly, 99% of them aren’t very good. I wasn’t sure I could do much better, but I realized I do have some ideas that some people have found interesting in the past.
The decision to invite President Barack Obama to the NAHREP Policy Conference last Spring was a decision I made with the NAHREP National Board. Anytime we have a political figure of that stature at one of our events, we know it will stimulate a lot of buzz among our members and stakeholders.