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Whether you like Donald Trump or not, the recent attempt on his life is not something we should take lightly or joke about. Certain things should be off-limits.
Crossing the line in circumstances like this can also cost you your career. From what I have read, hundreds of people have already lost their jobs because of what they posted on social media after the assassination attempt. If you get nothing from this blog, get this: social media is permanent; emails and text messages are also permanent. If you post or text something applauding the assassination of anyone, make no mistake: there is a permanent record of it, so don’t let your emotions get the best of you and do something that can come back to haunt you.
I think this is also an opportunity for self-reflection. I think it’s fair to question how much today’s political vitriol played into this and whether you are contributing to it. While there will always be crazy people who think God called on them to commit murder, I do believe today’s political rhetoric has created a fertile environment in which extremists are more emboldened.
Regardless of political persuasion, most people think the rhetoric of politics has gotten out of control. If you believe that, as I do, there IS something you can do about it. You can ask yourself whether you are helping or hurting the situation. I like to say that there are two types of people in the world: people who add stress and people who relieve stress. I think similarly, some people are adding to the political spectacle in the country, and others are at least trying for something better.
We get the political leaders we deserve. They reflect our society, so allow me to float a few thoughts.
It is important to understand. Despite what we hear, the political issues of today are nothing new. Populism is on the rise because people feel they have less of a chance to lead a successful life today than they did in the past. I have said that the core economic problems in the United States are wealth and income disparities.
Some people think that closing the door on immigration will create more opportunities for those already here. Others believe dismantling institutional systems that historically favor one class of people over others is the solution. These are not new concepts. Some people think lower taxes lead to higher growth that benefits everyone, and others believe that with certain societal safety nets, such as access to quality healthcare and education, it will be possible for all segments of our population to achieve their potential. Also, nothing new.
From a social policy standpoint, religion, race, gender, and sexual orientation have always been central to the debate. The fundamental question has always been: Is everyone genuinely equal, or should there be limitations to equality?
While the details may change, the political issues are constant. Today, politicians and political journalists who address the issues in a sober and objective manner will lose to competitors who are more demonstrative and passionate. This will never change, and it doesn’t solely apply to politics.
Consider business. Aside from great brands having good products, they can connect with people on an emotional level. That is what branding is all about, and nobody embodies it better than Nike. However, there are limitations to what we are willing to accept from businesses. For example, what if Nike focused all their advertising on Adidas’ evil intentions rather than inspiring messages about sports? What if Pfizer ran a campaign about Merck’s secret desire to destroy America? I think most people would be turned off. Yet, for some reason, we have higher standards for companies that sell us shoes or medicine than we do for the people we elect to lead us. While this is depressing on some levels, it should also give us hope. Americans CAN recognize liars and phonies when they see them. At our core, we know that people who resort to scare tactics do so because they have nothing positive or intelligent to contribute.
Sometimes, you have to take one step back to take two steps forward. We may be at a low point politically, but the optimist in me believes this might be the necessary step backward to make significant forward progress. However, each of us should aspire to be part of the solution.