Like most organizations, NAHREP was forced to cancel its convention which was scheduled for this week. Over 1,100 people were registered and we had a great program in place so it was unfortunate that we had to cancel, but it was definitely the right decision. Our sponsors, chapters, members, boards, and partners have been supportive and all-around fantastic. The NAHREP familia is truly amazing. The toughest times are most likely still in front of us. The next 60 days will be especially sketchy, and I expect most of our chapter events will be cancelled or postponed. We were forced to install our new officers and board members over the phone last week. We’ll be announcing them soon, and I am excited to work with our new president, Sara Rodriguez. She is a rock star. Like most companies, we are exploring a number of work scenarios in case things get more challenging including remote work and virtual events for our chapters and full membership. I suspect we will all learn a lot during this time, including more about virtual work and study. A lot of it, I’m sure, will make us better and more efficient. As they say, necessity is the mother of invention. I am confident NAHREP will emerge stronger and more focused.
Sol Trujillo, Emilio Estefan, and I are in full swing planning for L’ATTITUDE 2020. Our goal was to open registration this month, but with all that is going on, we will probably delay a short while. Over the past few weeks, we have been spending most of our time locking up sponsors. We were in NYC two weeks ago and had great meetings with American Express and CNBC. The NAHREP at L’ATTITUDE program is going to be world-class. Three days we will cover mindset, sales mastery, and wealth building. So far, Deepak Chopra, Mike, Tom, and Matthew Ferry have all tentatively confirmed. I feel strongly that when this COVID-19 situation stabilizes, people will be craving to see and interact with one another and the L’ATTITUDE event scheduled for late September will be even more epic because of it.
Finally, the Acosta family is doing well. Aaron is currently in Hawaii for spring break with his Colorado College teammates. Hawaii is actually one of the safer places right now. He will be home next week and will probably be in town through the summer. He says he plans on dedicating all of his time working on his physicality and basketball skills. He made all conference at Colorado College as a sophomore, and believes his team could win a championship next year. Kathy, Marisa, and Jaimie are also healthy and doing well. They are three of the toughest women around and are gearing up for the coming months and feeling optimistic. Kathy in particular is one of those people who rises to every challenge and never complains. She’s just awesome. My parents and sisters are also doing well.
For now, I am basically operating business as usual. I plan on completing my twenty-city tour promoting L’ATTITUDE, which I am thoroughly enjoying – however, that could definitely change depending on travel advisories and other unforeseen circumstances. I plan on eating better, working out more, and doing further strategic planning for NAHREP, L’ATTITUDE, my blog and soon-to-begin podcast. Taking more time for deep thoughts is something we can all benefit from. I believe we all have a chance to come out of this better, stronger, and more grateful…but it won’t happen on its own. Let’s do our best to make the most of it!
I have been writing this blog for almost eight years. In two weeks, the format will change. I will start a video series on social media titled "The Latino Brand." I will supplement the videos with a weekly news sheet emailed to my database that includes links to the video series...
The country is experiencing significant disruption, unlike anything we've seen since the end of World War II. A perfect storm of demographic changes, AI advancements, and political upheaval will reshape the nation forever. Some changes will be beneficial, while others will be less clear. Here's my perspective on what to expect in the next decade
The large majority of undocumented immigrants are decent, hard-working people desperate for a better life in America. However, there are also some bad apples, violent criminals that not only terrorize our communities but also damage the image of Latinos in America. Trump promised to prioritize criminals in his deportation plans. In the first few weeks in office, the data shows that...